Have you ever feel...
The beating of your heart
The softness of the wind that caress your face and skin
The peace and the calm of nature
The touch of breeze in the middle of nowhere
When the waves and the oceans speaks to you
Have you ever feel....
The beating of your heart
The pain when heart is broken
The love of of a mother for her unborn child
The joy in the laughter of a child
The pureness and innocence of your core
Have you ever feel what has become...
When a child growing and becoming adult
When a girl becomes a woman
When a boy becomes a man
When one becomes two and become one again
Have you ever feel...
The grace of space and universe
The beauty and power of the stars
From peace to chaotic, volatile, into the state of bliss
From the space of everything to nothingness
From separation to atonement
Everything in the space has a relation