Thursday, December 18, 2014

Can a Bird Drives a Car?

This morning a thought came to my mind. I heard about this phrase about a decade ago. My coach asked me in my class at that time. "Can a bird drives a car?" Being really optimistic after our breakthrough of some of our beliefs, most of us including myself  said "YES!". She asked again, "Can a bird drives a car? This bird is very committed, optimistic, willing to do everything in it's power, dedicated etc ... so can a bird drives a car?" At this point, some of us sat back and had that doubt coming, logic sets in, torn in between reality and possibility.

Of course in our reality, a bird cannot drives a car. A car can only be driven by human. So no matter how much effort that is being put into it, a bird cannot drives a car. It's too small, the feet is too short, hands are too little. The car is built NOT for the bird to drive. Period. I remember applying this principle for competencies, selections, recruitment, appraisal and year end assessment.

That is the logic part, on the other hand, if we just entertain the non-logical part, the creative side of us... YES! A bird definitely can drives a car. There is 1001 ways on how it can be done. A long list of creative and humorous answers, some very inspiring too.

No right or wrong answer. Whatever the answer that you are having, it is just a thought ... just entertain the thought and let it flows ... it comes and it goes ... Have a Great Day ...

Busyness in Life

A word came to me this morning when I woke up. Busy... then I heard buzzing sound in my head... like a bee...  We are always busy, doing something, thinking about something. Some of us will make ourselves doing just about anything that we could put our hands of and our thoughts of.... Some use busy to avoid from facing up things in our lives. Some just couldn't stand, a still moment with self so they use it to keep them moving. Some use it because it is safe, it is comfort even though it is not what we want.
Though some are busy living life. Charting out what would be fulfilling in life,  finding passion. Living life with passion, making a difference to others, connecting with people that they care. Busy waking themselves up when automatic pattern and behaviour sets in. Busy connecting and learning to love unconditionally, working with themselves from within, learning, unlearning and relearning things in life.
The question is ...
Which one of these that we are so busy about?
Beware the barrenness of the busy life - Socrates
Perhaps what it takes is just to stop and have a look into what we are busy about. Maybe we have been using this busyness for a long time. Perhaps it's time to pursue the things that we always wanted to. Perhaps life is more than just getting ourselves busy... Look around and see what have we been missing out of in life... Those moments that we missed, we will never get it back again. Sometimes because of so many things that is happening in our life, we forget to see what and who is in front of us.
The busyness of one's life can only be stopped and managed by the person who's creating it.
Busy life
Busy life

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Have you ever feel

Have you ever feel...
The beating of your heart
The softness of the wind that caress your face and skin
The peace and the calm of nature
The touch of breeze in the middle of nowhere
When the waves and the oceans speaks to you

Have you ever feel....
The beating of your heart
The pain when heart is broken
The love of of a mother for her unborn child
The joy in the laughter of a child
The pureness and innocence of your core

Have you ever feel what has become...
When a child growing and becoming adult
When a girl becomes a woman
When a boy becomes a man
When one becomes two and become one again

Have you ever feel...
The grace of space and universe
The beauty and power of the stars
From peace to chaotic, volatile, into the state of bliss
From the space of everything to nothingness
From separation to atonement
Everything in the space has a relation

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Lost a Friend

I lost a friend today...
Not just a friend, not just any friend
She is a person that I admire, adore and loved 20140719-111248-40368715.jpg
A shoulder to cry on when I need some comfort
A great listener to listen to my ranting
A fantastic mirror as I could count on her feedback, wouldn't sell me out on anything and ensure that I always on track
A cheer leader that will cheer me up to continue doing what I started even though I felt like giving up halfway
A great companion doing all the crazy, fun, unreasonable and challenging things in both our life
A person who was well-traveled as to expand her perspective of life and be free
A creative entrepreneur who has touched so many lives through her work because her work is her passion
A loving wife, mother and daughter, her love is so infectious and so unconditional that she did not mind to go the extra miles 20140719-111249-40369117.jpg
Shub, the name that I fondly called her
I will be missing her calling my name too
Even though it is difficult for me to learn to live without you by my side
I will cherish every moment that we spent together in the last 10 years
I am so grateful that I get to know you
I know that you will be up there somewhere with Paul and Little Kaela
I lost a friend, a soul mate today...
But your love and memories will always be with me till the end... 20140719-111249-40369309.jpg 5095_1167464340745_4978032_n I love you Shub...
* Shuba, her husband Paul Goes and their young daughter Kaela were among the 298 passengers onboard of flight MH71 that has been shot down at the Russia-Ukraine border.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Space of forgiveness

It is not an act
It is not a doing
It is the intention and part of our essential being
To fore go the need to hold on to
In that space of forgiveness
Love and hatred cannot co exist
Forgiveness is willingness
It is in the acceptance and letting go
A desire arise to give love again unconditionally
It does not bound by past and history
It is not a have to but merely a choice
An epic battle between the glory of pride and a space of humility
Fierce and intense in the heart of a man
When ego subsides and love surmounts and conquered the space
It will be filled with passion and grace
A spirit of calmness and the rest fizzles through thin air
A space which is vast but yet filled
Overflowing and full of abundance
A feeling of whole and yet healing
And that is a space of forgiving...


While I was talking to a lady just now, I realised something and I want to share my thoughts with you.
I met this lady a fortnight ago in an event. During this event she was not responding to me appropriately. My automatic reaction was to judge her. "Rude, inconsiderate, self-absorbed..." and the list continues... I also know a little bit of her background and that strengthen my judgement and the belief about her.
So today I met her again... and I heard other people's opinion and experience about her when she just entered the space for less than a minute.
It is just so easy to fall into judgement mode as we do it everyday and it becomes an automatic for us without even need to do a lot of work in judging. So we become a judgement machine. Ah, even the statement sounds like a judging statement.
Now the story continues, before I sat down and start talking to her, I noticed I have a choice to make here. One is to continue my judgement that I set before hand and continue the conversation. Second is to start on a clean page. I chose the second. Not easy as I noticed the opinions and judgements wanted to interfere into my mind. There were a lot of effort that I put in just to remind myself and stay vigilant on being present and compassion.
The result, as I listen to her and getting to know more about her, I realised that how wrong I was about all my judgements and my assumptions on her. She was not rude, she is nice and pleasant. She is not self absorbed, she remembered our first encounter. She apologised for being rude to me. I was humbled by that experience and by being wrong about my judgement. I forgave myself and moved on with our conversation so that I would be able to enjoy and create a wonderful experience for both.
My lesson and thought for today
Being aware about our thoughts and actions, requires us to be present with our mind and our emotions. It is important to be vigilant with our intentions and create what we committed to create. Along the way, if we wonder off, stop before it is too far, forgive if that makes you feel good again, laugh about it if you can, make a new choice in that moment and create new experience again.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


When we speak about change. We can see different reactions from different people. Many people welcome change and many are against change. Psychologist, people in training field, human capital specialist, talk a lot about change. In fact in some culture of organisation and society, the word change is a taboo. You have to be mindful to approach change in certain environment and culture.
How do you feel when you hear and experience change? Change at work, change in relationship with people, change of feelings. How do you cope with change? Do you welcome change or you resist change? Why do we resist change? What are we afraid of if people change? Can we see the value of change itself? Have we forgotten that we are the product of consistent change in our life...
Are we changing for the better or become worst than before? Do people change? Some believes that people do not change... is it true? If people do not change, then why they have desire to change? Is it because it is a nice to have? "It is nice to change once in a while" ... could this be a conversation that we have within us or people that we are close with?
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird; it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely, being just an ordinary and decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
C.S. Lewis

Monday, June 9, 2014

Moving my blog now ...

Dear all,

I will be moving my blog to here @ http:// and will continue my thoughts from the ... thank you for allocating some of your precious time to read through my postings. Please continue your reading from there ...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A warehouse of life...

Just imagine... if you have a store room. In this store room you could keep all the events that has been happening for the last 20,30,40,50 (depending on your age) years of your life. All the items that you collected all these years. All the emotions and feelings that you have ever felt. It is all kept here... Everything that you can find about yourself is in here. And because you are busy as no time to step in here, you have more important stuff to do in life, busy with work, busy with something... You have not been keeping your store room or even do your stock take (inventory) all these years about you have, what you don't, which section need to be cleaned up, disposed etc.
If you are to step into your store room for the first time now...

What would you see in your store room?...
What would be your experience when you see your store room now?...

Would you experience lost, would you want to run away and avoid seeing the condition of it? Would you be curious to explore what you have been keeping? What does it take to just walk through your own "store room?" What would you find again...? What would you do with all the stuff that you have been keeping?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What are you looking for ?

As I was listening to people talking about their live... when they finished talking about it, I always ask this question to them. "What are you looking for in life that will make you happy?"

Common answers would be love, money, nothing, don't know...
A thought came to me... "What are you looking for yourself?"
How do we find what we are looking for? Where do we start looking? Where do we search for it? How do we know that what we would find, is what we are looking for? And if we do, would that be enough? Could there been more, better and different? And if we stop, does that mean that we resigned? Just accept and surrender?
Maybe what we are looking for is just a peace of mind... Maybe what we are looking for is not outside of us but inside. What we see outside is a projection of what is happening inside us. Maybe we can start looking within. Maybe we can start start searching within and find what we are looking for...

Peace is an attribute in you. You cannot find it outside. Illness is some form of external searching. Health is inner peace
A Course in Miracles.               

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Two sides of a coin

There's a saying
There is always two sides of a coin
Everyone of us has a story. We create and tell our story everyday. One side of the story, we may tell people what they really want to hear, it will go through filtering, adding, subtracting so that it will become juicier and will serve our purpose. Maybe manipulating, getting attention, blaming or become a victim story etc.
The other side of the coin... Is where "What's the story morning glory is?" The real story, what actually happened, what did you do or did not do that created the result? What did you say or did not say that created the result? This side of the story is not easy to tell... As it requires us to take ownership and responsibility of what happened. We are part of the contributor to our story. Always... That means, this side of the story  that requires us to be responsible, leaves little room for finger pointing or blaming. We have to rise and becoming a bigger person to be able to see from this point.
So which side of the story that you tell? Which one would we prefer to listen? Which one would serve humanity? Which one would breed separation? Which one people love to hear? Which one you love to listen?

Which side of a coin that we use, to see our life everyday?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Staying sane in a drifted world

A thought came to me before I closed my eyes last night to sleep ... 
"How do I stay sane in the drift ..."
Most of the time, we just do more of the same but with different people and different place, different environment. Insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different result ... So what can we do about it.
Maybe we are asleep while awake, deaf while hearing things and blind while seeing ... so we just form part of the drift. What does it take to stay awake? Maybe that's the key to be sane, to taste life as it is versus illusion that we create in our life.  Perhaps, part of the suffering that we experience is because of we also creating illusions and set the expectations that we know would not serve us ... Staying awake may requires us to be vigilant about our emotions, thoughts and actions. To always see possibilities and make new choices out of many that is presented in front of us.
I read this, this morning ... and it brought the sanity back in me ...
Thank you Maya Angelou and may you rest in peace as your contribution and legacy continues to serve human kind ...

Still I Rise - Maya Angelou
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How are you feeling?

Today is another usual encounter that I have with people. I had glimpse of thoughts here and there. What caught my attention today was, when I asked this question "How do you feel now?" The usual answers would be :
  • I don't know
  • Feelings?! (Like a strange word)
  • What do you mean?
  • I don't have any feelings...
  • Ok
  • I feel .....
  • Silent ....
My thought ... How could that happen? How could we have the hesitation to feel. Aren't we suppose to have feelings/ emotions, to feel... Have we lost it? Feeling is like a censor or a guide to us, becoming human. That is part of our emotional intelligence (EQ) (I think...). Some of us take sometimes to find words to describe feeling. I googled the list of word for feeling and I found that it's more than 150 words that could describe different feelings or experience that could express our emotions.
So how come we say that we have no feelings? Is it that we are afraid to feel? Have we numb ourselves? Or are we too busy to feel so we just let the feelings disappear ...  
When we come to the world, we are full of emotions and feelings even when we do not understand a word, we know how to express our emotions. Are we zombifying ourselves now in life? At what price?
How are you feeling?

Monday, May 26, 2014

If you have 100 days to live...

In my daily life, I asked this question to people that I met. If you have 100 days to live, what would you do? How is your life going to be different? Many were stunned. Some of them said that they never think about that. It took them sometime to think about it, the common answer would be travelling and spending time with their loved ones.
Last week I asked the same question to a guy and he had tears in his eyes. I asked why? He said that he has a brain tumor and his days are numbered. He said, he cannot see it beyond today as he is taking one day at a time. My heart stopped for a while, never occurred to me that I would be in the situation that I asked a person who has limited time to live.
My thought... have I ever thought about my days are exactly like him? The difference between me and him, he gets the news so much faster than me. I do not know when and how. And because of that, I may take my life for granted, thinking there will always be tomorrow... Have I spent time with the one that I love, do the things that I want so that I do not have the conversation of "What if ..., I should have done that ... and I would want to do this ..." What drives me doing things that I do everyday? Is my life right now become so mundane and automatic and I am going with the flow. Am I zombified in this world now? ...

If you have 100 days to live, what would you do...?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Time

I listened to people and would ask questions like what would be in the way of you getting what you want. Majority would point to TIME. I have got no time. My time is devoted to work, family. I have got no time for myself. I have got no time to pursue my dreams. I have got no time to think about myself. No time, so I need to get this skill of managing time.
Just a thought ... Is it the time that needs to be managed? Or is it the person like you and me that needs to manage ourselves around time. Time would always be there, the same 24/7. 86,400 seconds for us to begin with. What do we do with it? Is it the skill of managing time or the attitude that we have towards time? Managing our time or managing our commitment?
My thoughts ...

If you don't respect time, time will not respect you

So is it about time that we stop for a while and have a look what's going on? We have our own answer for this.... :-) There's a saying that goes like this ...

Time wait for no man

Just A Thought

I was thinking about activating my blog ... again. Changing my blog name to Just A Thought. So hello world. I think a lot and some of my thoughts may make sense and some may not. Some of the thoughts will be coming from judgement and assessment on how I see the world. I would like to say that these thoughts have no right neither it's wrong.
My thoughts could be all over the place sometimes. So by writing my thoughts, I would be able to collate and learn something here. I also asked myself, who would be reading Just A Thought as it is just a thought that might come and go. But I guess it does not matter, the like minded person will be somewhere. Out of 7 billion people, what would be the chances of someone would stumble upon this site.
I do not want to give any advise here as there's a lot of great people are doing that outside there. 3 ways of this, 6 ways of that which are all fantastic. Maybe you are thinking the same way as I am or totally opposite. I don't know but I am open to know ( feel a bit nervous though) and open this space to and for sharing. Here we go ....